Creative ways to reuse and recycle!
From Bottle to Dish: the journey of an MTO olive oil bottle
Happy July! Here in Monterey, we are always happy when there are some new, creative ways to recycle, and we are definitely very enthused with our new product! Our small bottles are melted down and then pressed to become the perfect little cheese platters, dishes for olive pits( you know, the olives that you bought from us, of course) or a little souvenir that can hold small spoons at the dinner table. Here are some other creative uses to recycle a bottle:
1. Bring it to our store! We take a dollar off the refill to encourage recycling. Make sure you wash it first, since you can do any flavor. Petites unfortunately are not under this discount.
2. Wash it out and arrange with any of our other size bottles and place some flowers for the perfect centerpiece.
3. Creative candle holder--just place a candlestick and seal by placing the base of the candle near some heat.
Have any interesting ideas? Let us know!